Google Search Console Vs. Google Analytics

Search Console Vs. Analytics

Google Search Console helps your search engine optimization performance, rankings and the technical issues of your site. They provide a whole insight into what’s working well and what’s not working so well, allowing you to better update and cater to your website for the best possible SEO and content creation.

Google Analytics will help you understand who is using your site, how they found it, and what they are using your site for. It’s a great way to understand if your online efforts are working and what you could be improving on.

Google Search Console

Search console

 Google search console is a free powerful tool for anyone who owns a website. If we are doing SEO in a controlled form, we must verify our website ownership in GSN. Search console will help you to monitor your web traffic, make data-driven business decisions, we can set country viewing our website, optimize your website for a better ranking in the SERPs. It shows the performance of our website. It helps to improve the visibility of our site. Google search console is previously called as a Google webmaster tool. It is used to find and fix technical errors, submit site maps and more. A sitemap is a blueprint of your website that help search engines find, crawl and index all of your website’s content. As a part of Search Engine Optimization. Site map includes all the urls of the website. It contains the last modified date, time, Change frequency, Sitemap show the crawling frequency. Google Search Console is used to improve and optimize your website. It provides information such as:

  • Any technical site errors
  • Intel to keyword queries
  • Click-through rate and other metrics
  • User clicks and impressions
  • User’s HTTP request
  • Browser/system information Who’s linking to your site?

Here are the five different ways to verify your website with Google Search Console

HTML File verification method, Meta tag verification method, Google Analytics tracking method, Tag Manager Tool,DNS Method.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics
  1. Google Analytics is a platform that collects data from your websites and apps to create reports that provide insights into your business.
  • Direct Traffic: A user directly types in your website URL. Any traffic that Google doesn’t have the source information on is also considered direct.
  • Organic Traffic: A user comes to your site directly from a search engine such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing. If you pay to advertise on search engines, those visitors will count as Paid Search instead.
  • Social Media Traffic: A user clicks on a link to your site from any major social channel, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram.
  • Referral Traffic: A user clicks a link to your site from a page on another website.
  • Ad Traffic: A user clicks on a paid advertisement, such as a banner ad, that leads back to your site.

Google Analytics provides information:

  • The number of site visitors
  • Where visitors are coming from
  • Their time spent on the site
  • The reason for their visit
  • Bounce rate
  • Customer acquisition

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